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Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) combines promotional tools and channels to convey a consistent brand message. Best practices include Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, while not-so-good practices involve inconsistent messaging and lack of integration, undermining brand trust and effectiveness. Successful IMC requires careful planning and coordination.

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In-App Purchases (IAP) allow users to buy digital content or services directly within mobile applications. They encompass various transaction types, including consumable items, non-consumable benefits, and subscription-based access. IAP enhances user experience and provides developers with a lucrative revenue stream in the digital economy.

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HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is a fundamental protocol for web communication. It facilitates the exchange of hypertext resources between clients and servers. Requests and responses follow a structured format, enabling the retrieval and display of web pages and resources on the World Wide Web.

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Google Tag Manager (GTM) simplifies managing tracking tags on websites. Install the container tag on your site, add tags like Google Analytics, create triggers for events, test in preview mode, and publish changes. Monitor performance for insights and optimizations.

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The Google Display Network (GDN) is a digital advertising platform offering diverse ad formats and precise targeting options. It enables businesses to reach their target audience across millions of websites, apps, and videos within Google’s expansive network, driving engagement and conversions.

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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) facilitates seamless file exchange between clients and servers over TCP/IP networks. With a client-server architecture and commands for actions like uploading and downloading, FTP is a foundational tool in web development, enterprise data management, media distribution, and scientific research.

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ESP, or Email Service Provider, facilitates email communication by managing delivery, compliance, and marketing functions. From ensuring deliverability to offering analytics and automation tools, ESPs play a vital role in modern communication infrastructure, empowering businesses to connect with their audience effectively.

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Earnings Per Click (EPC) is a crucial metric in affiliate marketing, indicating the average revenue generated per click on an advertisement or affiliate link. Calculated by dividing total earnings by total clicks, EPC helps gauge campaign effectiveness and optimize marketing strategies.

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DTC – Direct to Consumer Direct-to-consumer (DTC) has emerged as a revolutionary approach in the realm of commerce, reshaping traditional business models and altering the dynamics of consumer-brand relationships. In essence, DTC entails companies bypassing intermediaries and reaching consumers directly through various channels, such as online platforms, social media, and physical retail stores. This strategy…

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A Call to Action (CTA) is a crucial element in marketing that prompts audiences to take specific actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Examples like Nike’s “Just Do It” illustrate the power of compelling CTAs to drive engagement and conversions.

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